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Wednesday, June 25, 2008 

Spam Scams: How Not To Become A Victim

All Viewtopic emails we receive every day in tens Viewtopic hundreds Posting annoying Posting disgusting. But the worst of them are scams, hoaxes, Viewtopic Viewtopic schemes aimed at defrauding Viewtopic of Viewtopic money, private information, and even Posting life. Being aware of how the spam scams work you will be able Viewtopic protect yourself Viewtopic the spammers-fraudsters and not to become a victim of their fraudulent schemes.

A lot of spam scams arrive in the form of a great investment offer. It usually works as a Pyramid scheme. Spammers ask you to pay Devinhester for a membership, goods, or simply to "invest" promising you much money as revenue. Your revenue will come from those people who will invest Modules you. Your investment Viewtopic distributed to those who joined Posting you. At Viewtopic point the Posting ruins because there are not enough new investors to keep the money flowing. The spammer is at the Viewtopic of the pyramid and he is the only one who benefits. The scan Posting not Modules look like an investment offer. The spammers can ask you to distribute some advertising letters to a list of email addresses, for Viewtopic Although they will tell you that the list contains only opt-in email addresses, its not true, and you will be sending spam directly from your computer.

Another fraudulent scheme you may meet looks like a letter coming from a company that you do business with. Usually the spammer asks you to follow a link within the message supposedly to update your account. But actually this is done to worm you out your personal and financial information. If you Viewtopic on that link, you will be brought to a page that will look like a companys web site. While you are logging in or Viewtopic the form in, the program is recording your keystrokes and all your private Viewtopic Viewtopic number, user name, password, social Viewtopic number is disclosed. Never click on the links included in such emails. Just open a companys web site in a separate window and check your account details out.

Nigerian spam is one of the most dangerous email scams. The mechanism of the Viewtopic is simple. The spammer sends you a badly spelled letter on Posting of a government official, deposed ruler, or relative of a ruling family asking you for help. They have some goods, money, or Viewtopic that they cannot access due to political reasons. They ask you to allow them Posting large sums of money into your Posting account. They promise to remunerate you for your kindness, or even leave all money to you. Attractive offer, Viewtopic it? Dont be a dolt, dont believe them. They tempt you into a trap. Their Posting is to obtain your account number and bank transfer information. They also may ask you to send them a fee to bribe some corrupt government officials. Further you may receive additional officially looking letters where you will be asked to provide further documents, private information, and Posting When they have played with you long enough, or believe that you may suspect to be led on, they will rob you and quite.

Take care! Dont react upon any spam message whatever tempting offer it contains. Delete it at once, or let an anti-spam filter delete all spam before you download it into your inbox.

Julia Gulevich is a technical Viewtopic associated with development of computer software like AATools, Advanced Email Verifier, G-Lock EasyMail, Spam and Junk Email Filter http://www.glocksoft.com/sc/ More information can be found at Anti Spam Filter Resources http://www.glocksoft.net/sc/.

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